Now Accepting Applications

80 5th Avenue, Haleyville, AL 35565
No Phone Calls


ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle)

Washout and Visual

Water Tank Inspections

Chandler Mountain Greasy Cove Water Authority  – February 2024

Tank Painting and Repair

Safety Devices

Custom Logos

Maintenance Programs

Lead Abatement

Waterline Repair and Installation

Pipe Gallery Rehabilitation

Booster Pumping Stations

Altitude Valves

Road Bores

Concrete Retaining Walls

Building Construction

Robinson Paint & Sandblasting was created in 1981 and incorporated on July 3, 1986.  In order to reflect a more diverse company, our corporate name was changed in 1996 to Robinson & Sons Construction Services, Inc.

Robinson & Sons holds a business license in the State of Alabama where we are qualified to perform work in Building Construction, Municipal and Utility, Painting / Sandblasting and Bridge Repair, Clearing and Grubbing, Drainage and Culverts, Excavation and Foundations.  We also hold licenses in the states of Mississippi and Tennessee.

Address:  80 Fifth Avenue, Haleyville, AL 35565

Phone:  (205) 486-5763

Fax:  (205) 486-3045

Email:  robinsons5763 [at]